Abby excluding Brad Carlton and Devon Hamilton in her baby's name - The Young and the Restless

The only reason Abby is a Newman is because Ashley stole Victors sperm and inseminated herself. Victor never raised Abby, and Abby used too know that and always considered Brad her father. But now Abby is wrapping herself in the Newman name. She could have used Brad or Carlton as a first name to honor

The only reason Abby is a Newman is because Ashley stole Victor’s sperm and inseminated herself.

Victor never raised Abby, and Abby used too know that and always considered Brad her father. But now Abby is wrapping herself in the Newman name. She could have used Brad or Carlton as a first name to honor him.

Same with Devon, why not name the kid Hamilton? Devon’s a sperm donor just like Victor is to Abby. Why isn’t this kid going to want the same thing Abby did, to have his biological fathers name?

Abby wanted her sperm daddies name- Newman, and this kid is going to want Hamilton. Poor Chance is just like Brad in this situation.

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Abby named the baby Dominic. D for Devon and the M for Mariah.


Devon is the sperm donor and was never meant to be the father. Why would Abby include his name? As for Brad, how many names is she supposed to give this child. The intent of this whole arrangement was so she and Chance could have a child. If/when Devon claims Dominic and is his legal father he can rename him but that isn’t what’s happening now. This whole thing with Mariah and Devon is getting ridiculous.


I though that sounded rather silly. I never heard of letters of the alphabet used as a tribute to someone.

I think Hamilton is a better first name than Dominic, given neither Devon, Chance , or Abby is Italian.


I agree. Odd explanation of the name I thought too. But it’s Abby we’re talking about!



As for Brad, how many names is she supposed to give this child.

I was thinking it, but you said it, Kudos!


I think it is miraculous that this kid didn’t get saddled with being Phillip VVII or whatever, lol. And he didn’t get stuck with Victor as part of his name, just Newman. Bradley would have been nice, but I as recall, Brad Carlton wasn’t even his real name.

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Gawd…his last name will be bad enough! Give him his OWN first name…like Frank! :laughing:
Or was there a ‘Frank’ in the long lost past of Y&R???


As it is right now, when this kid grows up, he will have to get some of those extra large checks
they use on one game at Price is Right just to be able to sign his full name on them! lol. Poor kid doesn’t need any more names added to what is now way too long.



Same with Devon, why not name the kid Hamilton? Devon’s a sperm donor just like Victor is to Abby.

Devon was simply the sperm donor. He’s not the father. Yes he’s connected by DNA, but Chance is the legal father of this baby. Devon simply just helped with the material to build him.

If they had found an anonymous sperm donor in a catalogue, would Abby have been expected to add that person’s name or number to the baby’s name?


All of what you said just proves even more why not only has this been a stupid storyline but better to use anonymous NOT someone who will want to be there ALL the time as we know Devon will want to be


Thank you, that’s it exactly. Abby chose the name Dominic and said the D was for Devon. He is the sperm donor and Chance was always meant to be the father. Why would Abby need to include any of his names. If nothing else this is a warning never to use friends as sperm donor or surrogate.


Acadia_ca: pennywise200:

Same with Devon, why not name the kid Hamilton? Devon’s a sperm donor just like Victor is to Abby.

Devon was simply the sperm donor. He’s not the father. Yes he’s connected by DNA, but Chance is the legal father of this baby. Devon simply just helped with the material to build him.

If they had found an anonymous sperm donor in a catalogue, would Abby have been expected to add that person’s name or number to the baby’s name?

No, you don’t have to add the name of and anonymous donor because he’s anonymous, you never know the name and they don’t know yours. That’s the whole point. That’s why Abby should have used one if she REALLY wanted this baby to be her & Chance’s.

But no, she wanted to use her friend Devon and make some “community baby”, well she shouldn’t be surprised if that “community” wants to be a part of that child’s life. Everyone told her, but she didn’t listen, so now she’ll have to deal with it.


In Abby’s mind the “community baby” extended to creating the baby delivering the baby END to say I want you to be a part of the baby’s life she didn’t mean Mariah you be mommy Devon you be daddy

NO she meant once the baby is here I am mommy Chance is daddy you two can be auntie Mariah and uncle Devon who come around once in a while



NOT someone who will want to be there ALL the time as we know Devon will want to be

He’s already going to the hospital everyday to see his son. And he’s going around proudly showing pictures of him on this phone.


I know that Abby can be annoying and is an easy target, but why in the world should her babies last name be Hamilton? She was kind enough to pay tribute to the sperm donor and the surrogate in the baby’s first name, when she didn’t have to, giving the baby name Hamilton is just beyond logical.

As much and as close as they are as friends, I’ll be doesn’t have to do any of this and she has no further obligation to both Mariah and Devon.


Because biologically her baby IS A Hamilton! If she didn’t want her baby to be a Hamilton she should have picked a no name anonymous donor.

Abby was raised by Ashley & Brad Carlton…she dumped that Carlton name for her sperm daddy Victor Newman. So legal names don’t matter ass much as bio-names. Devon wants his kid so the child should get his real father’s name. Abby’s baby doesn’t have one drop of Chancellor blood why should it be named Chancellor if Devon is going to be the father in every way?


This whole thing with Mariah and Devon is getting ridiculous

Completely agree with you… it hasn’t even had time to run a course they’re already giving off signals that they want this baby they’re not even giving Abby a chance to be the mother Mariah’s already laying claim to this baby which is outrageous I can’t stand this storyline either

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Devon is going to be the father in every way?

Well who said Devon’s going to be the father… This is unfair that she should not call the baby Chancellor why shouldn’t she it was their decision to get a sperm donor so what are you saying that people who adopt children shouldn’t give them their last name because they’re not the biological parents that’s ridiculous and in this situation their Abby’s eggs he donated the whole word “donate” which meant he was giving his sperm away he wasn’t offering up to be the father so this in reality should really be just Abby and chance and the baby Chancellor


There were some people who said Kyle was just the sperm donor with Harrison, not his real dad, that he had no right to raise him. But some of the same people who said that, are the same ones who think Devon, as just the sperm donor, has every right to Dominic, and that he should be named after him. The difference is Kyle didn’t know about Harrison and didn’t give up his rights, Devon did give up his rights to be this child’s father, he knew what he was doing when he signed the papers.


