City names for boys

Parents who were looking for a unique baby name that also had a special significance were often drawn to a destination name or city name for their baby boy. Baby boy names like Austin, Chandler and Jackson are all climbing the charts and we can see why! Find out our top picks for city

Parents who were looking for a unique baby name that also had a special significance were often drawn to a destination name or city name for their baby boy. Baby boy names like Austin, Chandler and Jackson are all climbing the charts — and we can see why! Find out our top picks for city names for boys.

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newborn baby

Why are city names such popular baby boy names? Many parents name their baby after a city that has special significance to them, whether romantically or even a family or historical tie. Other parents name their baby after the place he or she was actually conceived! Still other parents love the unique and cool sound of a city name.

Popular city names for boys

Each year, the Social Security Administration ranks the top baby names in the United States and city names for boys ranked high on the list.

baby boy Related story These ‘Rare’ Boy Names Are Probably Not as Rare as You Think

Here are the top-ranking city names for boys

  • Austin
  • Boston
  • Chandler
  • Dallas
  • Dayton
  • Eugene
  • Gilbert
  • Houston
  • Jackson
  • Lincoln
  • Memphis
  • Orlando
  • Phoenix
  • Warren

Other cool city names for boys

The following cities are not as well known as their popular counterparts above, but they all are good name choices for boys:

  • Cody (Wyoming)
  • Easton (Pennsylvania)
  • Frederick (Maryland)
  • Kingston (New York)
  • Lawrence (Kansas)
  • Logan (Utah)
  • Mason (Ohio)
  • Mitchell (South Dakota)
  • Trenton (New Jersey)

Destination baby names

You don’t have to limit yourself only to city names! There are many cool destination baby names, from country names to names of regions.

Check out our top picks for boys:

  • York
  • Columbus
  • Columbia
  • Essex
  • Brighton
  • Washington
  • Diego
  • Rio
  • Orlando
  • Michel
  • Kent
  • Melbourne
  • Rome
  • Phoenix
  • Memphis
  • Lincoln
  • Jordan
  • Jersey
  • Hamilton
  • Denver
  • Bronx
  • Brooklyn
  • Boston

Celebrity baby names after cities

Celebrities are known for their unique baby name choices, and some of our favorite A-listers chose a destination or city baby name.

Victoria Beckham and soccer stud David Beckham found out they were pregnant with their first son when they were in Brooklyn, New York. Therefore they named their son Brooklyn.

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale fell in love with Jamaica. Therefore, they named their son after the capital of Jamaica, which is Kingston.

Talk show host Carson Daly named his son Jackson, as did actor Scott Wolf.

Tell us: What is your favorite city name?

More baby boy name ideas:

