Who Survives Their Death Date?

Editor's Note: The following contains spoilers for Season 4 Part 2 of Manifest.Five and a half years after their out-of-time plane touched down in New York, the passengers led by Ben Stone (Josh Dallas), Michaela Stone (Melissa Roxburgh), and Saanvi Bahl (Parveen Kaur) are finally forced to face their inevitable death date in

Editor's Note: The following contains spoilers for Season 4 Part 2 of Manifest.Five and a half years after their out-of-time plane touched down in New York, the passengers — led by Ben Stone (Josh Dallas), Michaela Stone (Melissa Roxburgh), and Saanvi Bahl (Parveen Kaur) — are finally forced to face their inevitable death date in the finale of Netflix’s Manifest Season 4 Part 2. They have lost those closest to them, including the Stones’ spouses Grace (Athena Karkanis) and Zeke (Matt Long), been villainized and imprisoned, and followed their divine Callings as often as possible.

As they have learned throughout the series, the passengers will be judged together by the Divine Consciousness, and they are incredibly unsure about whether they have done enough to survive this long and hellish test. Having Cal (Ty Doran) and his sapphire on their side has certainly changed things, but with Angelina (Holly Taylor) and several of the other passengers still actively committing horrible acts, have they done enough to tip the scales in their favor? Let’s break down this unbelievable and jaw-dropping series finale.

RELATED: What Is the Ominous Death Date on 'Manifest'?

The Death Date Finally Arrives in ‘Manifest’ Season 4 Part 2

The morning after Cal’s sacrifice, Michaela, Ben, Saanvi, and TJ (Garrett Wareing) wake up unable to breathe, clutching their chests. While Eden, Olive, and TJ wander through the forest, they come across a petrograph. The inscription underneath, which is obviously meant for the passengers, has been obscured by a “Class of 1999” carving over the original. Knowing they were here before as their mother took photos, the group hopes that said photos might hold the answer. So, after heartfelt final goodbyes, Olive, Eden, Jared, and Drea head back home — previously taken over by Angelina — to find the photos stowed away in the attic. When Jared (J.R. Ramirez) and Drea (Ellen Tamaki) arrive to clear the house, Angelina and her followers are gone.

Where are they? They’ve packed themselves in a van and are on their way somewhere, though Adrian (Jared Grimes) and Eagan (Ali Lopez-Sohaili) stop by to tamper with their van and stall their trip. To emphasize the impending doom, Drea and Saanvi (separately) listen to a news report about volcanoes appearing all over the world, active and ready to erupt with little notice. The pieces are all coming together. Therefore, it’s no surprise the remainder of the passengers, sans Angelina’s crew, gather at the mountain after witnessing Cal’s sapphire beacon.

It’s Time to Judge the Passengers

The passengers spend the day together, showcasing how they’ve become a family after experiencing the most dire and unexpected circumstances. When night falls, they prepare for the end of their “tortured, life-changing journey.” Ben’s hopeful speech is interrupted by a tremor that causes the fissure where Saanvi deposited the ark fragment to reopen. They watch as, from under the molten rock, the infamous plane of Flight 828 rises. Instantly, they know Cal is responsible, sending them a message about how to proceed. Finally, to face their judgment, on their version of the scales, the passengers begin to board the plane once again.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Drea, Olive, and Jared sift through photos of birds trying to find the inscription on the rock. Luckily, Olive’s grandmother was quite adept at organization, separating and naming her photos based on the species of bird. When they list off the remaining collections, one gets Olive’s attention: The silver drake. Drake is another term for a dragon, and Al-Zuras described the plane as the silver dragon in his writings. It really is all connected. Quickly, they find the inscription, which reads: ‘Forgiveness lightens the heart PIXLAZ.” This brings about a mythology lesson from Olive, who explains that some believe hearts are being weighed against a feather, not good versus bad. Lightening their hearts is as important as the good deeds they have done throughout the last five and a half years.

But, what does the final bit of the inscription mean? “AZ” means Al-Zuras, but the rest of the puzzle sends Olive looking through the pictures they’ve collected in their research over the last several years. As she grabs Al-Zura’s journal, they figure out that the “P” stands for page, while “IXL” is the page number. When Olive finds the page, it’s the photo of Ben carrying Olive out of the fire from back in the second season. Only, what if it was never Olive in the drawing? Suddenly, Olive knows the answer — this is about Angelina. The drawing is of Ben carrying Angelina. To survive, he has to forgive Angelina for killing Grace. Without hearing Olive’s plea, will he make the right choice and forgive Angelina? Or will he sink the Lifeboat once and for all? Unfortunately, Olive can’t worry much as Drea goes into labor and Eden needs her comfort as the world rocks around them.

Will Angelina Once Again Ruin Everything?

Back on the mountain, Ben, Mick, and Saanvi are still helping passengers board. Though, Angelina is not so keen on this when she arrives. Her henchman Paul (Kerry Malloy) fires a warning shot in the air, causing everyone to pause. Angelina demands everyone disembark her ark, which she believes has been sent solely for her and her followers to survive the judgment day, just as Noah once did. Angelina isn’t pleased when they don’t listen to her and continue boarding. She directs her flock to get on board, while Paul and his gun stay at her side as she attempts to demand the others disembark immediately.

With everyone else on board, Angelina threatens to use her sapphire powers to force everyone off, but the mystical light of the sapphire flickers and burns out, leaving Angelina powerless. Mick uses this opportunity to convince Paul to get on board. Then, Angelina grabs the gun and points it at them, preventing the three of them from boarding. When a tremor hits, she stumbles and is knocked back. Though, while on her way down, she accidentally fires the gun, shooting Saanvi in the forearm. With Angelina temporarily out of commission, Saanvi boards the plane, while Bethany (Mugga) tells Mick that Amuta (Leajata Amara Robinson) needs her in the cockpit. Now, it’s just Ben and Angelina.

Ben picks up the gun and points it at Angelina, shouting about how she took everything from him. Angelina responds with more of her “Chosen One” nonsense, explaining how she knows loss better than anyone else. Once again, Ben tries to convince her that she’s no different than any of the other passengers, but she refuses to believe it, explaining that God bestowed her with the sapphire. Ben realizes it’s about how one uses their power, lowering the weapon, and finally allowing Angelina to address killing Grace. She explains that she never meant to and there’s not a day that goes by where she doesn’t regret it, but their conversation is cut short. Time is running out, and there’s an explosion of lava nearby, which knocks them both back. Ben is completely fine, but Angelina has a head wound and her face is covered with blood. She tells Ben to leave her before he hoists her up, unconscious, and walks her onto the plane.

The Scales of Judgment

With everyone on board, Mick takes her place in the cockpit as the lava hardens to create a runway. It’s time to get the plane in the sky. When they are in the air, Mick leaves the cockpit as the emergency begins. Some are unable to breathe, shaking uncontrollably, and facing the deaths that they would have experienced had the plane not been subjected to the glow. Nothing can prepare them for what is coming though. Obviously experiencing something worse than others, fiery cracks emerge in Paul’s skin, and he screams before he combusts, leaving only ash behind in his seat. Now, panic ensues. Randall (Christopher Piccione) is next, then the cracks begin to show on Saanvi’s arm. Six more passengers die as Angelina awakens and Autumn (Shirley Rumierk) explains that they’re dying. Knowing Paul is gone, Autumn begins to turn on Angelina, while Angelina must face that maybe she was wrong about everything. Then, the cracks begin on Autumn and she combusts in front of Angelina.

Up next, it’s Adrian’s turn. However, Eagan pleads for the Divine Consciousness to spare Adrian, as he’s a good man, offering himself instead. The cracks on Adrian disappear and begin forming on Eagan. While owning up to his bad actions and selfishness, Eagan is spared. Meanwhile, the same is happening to Saanvi. She thinks she deserves it because she killed the Major (Elizabeth Marvel), but Ben pleads with her to remember that it was an accident, and she’s saved so many others, and Saanvi is spared too. Finally, it’s Angelina’s turn to face judgment over her many terrible deeds. She pleads for the Lord to spare her, that she misunderstood, but Ben watches as Angelina combusts — in a way that feels worse and more powerful than the others experienced, for good measure.

It’s not over, though. The darkness from bad passengers rises out of Angelina before combining with the others, creating a grim reaper of sorts to replicate what happened with the Meth Heads. However, the passengers will not go quietly. They band together, fighting back as Mick and Ben recount some of the good they have done and the horrors they’ve experienced over the last five and a half years. With each comment, the passengers get stronger, gathering behind the co-captains of the Lifeboat until the evil spirits disappear entirely. When they look out of the window, the apocalypse has ended. The passengers have saved the world. So, what’s next?

Return to the Glow

Amuta calls Mick back to the cockpit. In the distance, they see the glow. Only, this time, they’re going to chase it. When they fly into it, the plane is surrounded by the glow, and they can feel that they are no longer in the air. Mick returns to the other passengers as the door to the plane opens. Together, they walk out and into… the airport. But, it’s not the world they were just in. It’s April 7, 2013, when their plane was originally supposed to land. They’re in the outfits from the series premiere, returning as though the past eleven years had never happened. Except, those who remain remember everything. Waiting for them are Ben and Michaela’s mother Karen (Geraldine Leer) and Grace, both alive and well.

Ben and Michaela run over to hug them, filled with emotions over getting their loved ones back. When Grace asks where Cal is, they pause, though she sees a young Cal (once again played by Jack Messina) getting off of the plane and handing Saanvi her computer, though he has no memory of who she is. He gets to be a kid again without the weight of the world on his shoulders. As the passengers reunite with their loved ones and pick up where they left off, Saanvi gets another chance to start a life with Alex (Sydney Morton), Ben tells Grace that Saanvi is going to cure Cal, and Mick has another hard conversation to call things off with Jared. Meanwhile, they see Angelina’s father angry over her so-called disappearance, and Vance (Daryl Edwards) arrives to begin a new investigation into Flight 828.

Before the episode cuts to black, Mick reunites with Zeke who, as she learned earlier in the season, is driving a cab, where the two immediately pick up their banter again, and she prepares to tell him everything. Likewise, as Ben has emerged as a somewhat different person, Grace asks what happened to him on the plane, and it’s clear he will be sharing the story with her as well. It’s the ultimate second chance — and happy ending — for all the passengers who deserved it and weren’t obliterated on judgment day, including those who died along the way that have reappeared with no memory of what happened.

